In this section, you will find all information regarding the procedures for submitting a project proposal to AMG. Please read carefully all documents before filling the online form, the first step in submitting your request. The management will reject applications that do not meet all required specifications.
Thank you.
Elements of preliminary selection
Who can submit a proposal to the Foundation?
Non-profit entities, associations, NGOs, foundations and social or therapeutic cooperatives.
Who is not eligible for Foundation support?
All for-profit entities as well as those with political or religious aims, any individual except for scholarships in favour of the young beneficiaries of Partner projects already being supported by the Foundation.
Fondation Alta Mane supports and finances projects using ART as a tool for the support and recovery of children, youths, and people in social difficulties and psycho-physical distress.
Since 2018, the Foundation gives priority consideration to projects developed and implemented in Europe, with the sole exception of projects carried out on Italian territory, for which a request shall be submitted to FONDAZIONE ALTA MANE ITALIA
Proposals and preliminary consideration
The Foundation does not publish calls for submission.
The Foundation selects projects either after
- evaluation of the proposals submitted via the Foundation’s website or
- direct search and contact with potential partners after studying and evaluating projects within the domains and subjects of interest to the Foundation.
If your project is in line with the focus of Alta Mane Foundation, after having carefully read the Principles governing the release of funds, please fill out this form to enable a preliminary consideration of your proposal. Your proposal will be evaluated on the basis of priorities periodically identified by the Foundation.
Selection criteria for Partners and Projects
After a preliminary evaluation, intended to ensure coherence between the proposal submitted and the Foundation’s interests and objectives, potential partners are rigorously selected on the following criteria:
- professionalism of the applicant, its competence, reliability, expertise and previous experience in the field, as well as on the completeness and transparency of the information provided.
- intended objectives, theoretical/practical methodologies designed and adopted, and the appropriate evaluation of the socio-cultural or therapeutic context and of the artistic initiatives put forward.
- adoption of codes of ethics and conduct and operational methodology aimed at guaranteeing full respect for the needs of the beneficiaries and all those operating in the critical context of the project.
- impact evaluation, future self-sustainability and replicability potential of the project.
Projects in co-partnership with the Alta Mane Italy Foundation
In cases of projects located abroad, the Foundation works in partnership with Fondazione Alta Mane Italia.