Characterized by uncertainty and current emergencies, 2022 has shaped new political, social, economic, educational, and cultural geographies where the erosion of democratic regimes and the national polarization have led to a constant decrease of the defense and promotion of human rights. In this framework, Michael O’Flaherty, Director of the European Union Fundamental Rights Agency, during the Conference “Human-rights based philanthropy: a common impact for all”, emphasized the crucial role that philanthropic entities and foundations can play in the defense of human rights by supporting organizations defending and integrating the lens of human rights into their projects.
During 2022, in continuity with a renewed philanthropic engagement that since 2017 outlines and drives the Foundation’s strategic interventions and in accordance with the above, Alta Mane has put at the center of its actions the response to the complexity and urgency of some major epochal challenges such as, for example, the promotion of human rights and the defense of fundamental freedom in migration emergency settings by supporting many projects developed by international organizations for the benefit of numerous children made vulnerable by their different (and traumatic) migration journeys.

El Sistema Greece
During the past year, this engagement has taken shape in the support to El Sistema Greece, Greek Council for Refugees, Save the Children Schweiz and Italia Onlus, RED NOSES Clowndoctors International, The Red Pencil (Europe) and Musicians Without Borders which, in equal and complementary ways, have contributed to the promotion and defense of the rights of minors with a migration background and to safeguard children on the move protection policies through ART.
In parallel, driven by the aspiration to define and delimit its action within the panorama of strategic philanthropy, Alta Mane has supported two partners (Musicians Without Borders-art27 and the Fondation Privée des HUG) which, on the one hand, corroborated the Foundation’s role not only as financial donor, but also as “relationships facilitator” through the support to art27-Arts for Social Inclusion, a platform intended to create a network between arts-organizations that promotes, spreads and disseminates an invisible capital of arts-based experiences and knowledge in contexts of social distress and, on the other hand, empowered the Foundation to play the role of innovator/experimenter in the field of clinical research applied to art through its support to the pilot project “Musicothérapie à l’Hôpital des Enfants des HUG de Genève”.

Regarding the co-partnerships, in 2022, the Foundation confirmed the suspension of the partnership agreements managed by Fondazione Alta Mane Italia (AMI), a decision already undertaken in 2019 and reiterated in 2020 and 2021.
In relation thereto, reminder is given that these are three-way contracts between Fondation Alta Mane, AMI and the beneficiaries (Partners), according to which:
Alta Mane Italia supports the Partners during the start-up/implementation of their projects throughout varied and complex social or hospital conditions, monitoring and assessing the sustainability of the Partner;
Fondation Alta Mane supports the aforementioned beneficiaries through donations preceded by the usual verifications.
The sector of intervention remains the use of art in situations of extreme social marginalization and hospitalization of young people due to serious pathologies.
In addition to the above-mentioned organizations, in 2022, Alta Mane reaffirmed its support, as exit preparation phase, to Educational Volunteers Foundation of Turkey (TEGV), a Foundation’s partner since 2014, by renewing its support to an art-education project in Turkey.
Additionally, the Foundation broadened and diversified its collaboration with The Red Pencil (Europe), one of the Foundation’s partners since 2020, by supporting an art therapy project destined to children affected by cancer, caregivers, doctors and nurses in Lebanon and Egypt.
In conclusion and in brief, 11 projects received direct donations from the Foundation, out of which 2 partners were based in Switzerland (Geneva and Zurich Cantons) and 7 abroad (Austria, Belgium, Greece, Italy, The Netherlands, and Turkey).