Fondation Alta Mane is an international, non-profit foundation, headquartered in Geneva and founded by private individuals in 2005. It is registered in the Commercial Registry of Geneva; it has been recognized as a public-interest entity by the Fiscal Authority of the Geneva Canton and is under the jurisdiction of the Internal Affairs Department of Bern.
The Foundation deploys its financial resources to achieve its institutional goals: support young people living in conditions of extreme social marginalization and poverty, as well as those affected by serious illness or disability by offering them access to artistic experiences.
Art facilitates the recovery of identity, communication and expression skills by engendering confidence in oneself and in others and encouraging intercultural dialogue and social engagement.
Alta Mane operates both in Switzerland and abroad, with particular attention to those countries where the conditions of young people, their rights and their health are most compromised and at risk.
The experience acquired over more than 10 years of activity has confirmed the enormous potential of Art to facilitate the reintegration of youths living in conditions of extreme social marginalization and support the therapeutic/rehabilitation process of young patients with serious illnesses.
Not only does artistic expression, undertaken through various ways and means, contribute to the rebirth and the development of self-esteem, trust in oneself, self expression and sense of identity in vulnerable youths, but can also generate important lines of communication among the direct beneficiaries of these initiatives and all those who, in various ways, collaborate and participate in the process, such as family members, health care workers, teachers and social workers, facilitating relationships and promoting trust, intercultural dialogue and social inclusion.
In 2017, the Foundation, grounding on 12 years of activity that allowed to develop a vision and an approach, today identified in the panorama of the “Strategic Philanthropy”, began a significant internal reflection process tended to elaborate new conceptual perspectives, to adopt new modalities of intervention as well as to prioritize geographical areas of action in order to respond to new current crisis and emergency situations in Europe affecting many children and young people, today protagonists and victims of historical challenges.
The result of this deep strategic renewal process, also dictated by the transformation of the whole philanthropy field, both at the national and the international level, and on the other hand, by the physiological evolution of Alta Mane, was the brand-new support to different projects with “larger bottom-line impact” that led to identify a new sector of priority intervention: “Art and Development”.
The inception of this new strategic sector of intervention, intended to embrace a more efficient and “horizontal” philanthropy approach, aims at supporting integrated projects resulting on the medium and long-term into:
Additionally, since 2018, the Foundation gives priority consideration to the project proposals localized in Europe, in line with the aforementioned strategic renewal.
Synthesis of the initiatives sustained by the Foundation from 2005
Foundation name
ALTA MANE supraque tuos exurge dolores
infragilemque animum, quod potes, usque tene.
STAND TALL, and for as long as you can, rise above your pain and your weaknesses.