During 2019, in compliance with the new strategic programming guidelines approved by the Foundation Board in 2017, Fondation Alta Mane selected and consolidated new modalities of intervention, with a priority focus on emergency and migratory contexts, particularly in Europe and the Mediterranean, also assuming a more active role in the panorama of strategic philanthropy as promoter of Best Practices which have taken shape in supporting:

  • Innovative and Integrated Projects (in primis, the support to the “Emergency Smile Missions” Program on the islands of Lesbos and Samos, and in Mainland Greece);

  • Implementation and Replication of new arts-based psychosocial methodologies in migration and adversity settings, in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Switzerland (Save the Children Italia Onlus and Save the Children Schweiz); in Egypt, Greece, Iraq, and Ukraine (Fondation Terre des hommes, see Focus 2019);

  • «Systemic» Projects which also include the development of M&E Processes to measure the impact, capture the Lessons Learnt and disseminate the Best Practices (inter alias, TEGV in Turkey);

  • «Enabling» Projects which also include the transfer of Skills and Know-How to several humanitarian stakeholders who directly intervene on the field in emergency and migration settings (inter alias, RED NOSES Clowndoctors International);

  • Assistance in creating Synergies between the Foundation’s Partners, with the inception of new integrated models of collaboration (Musicians Without Borders and Save the Children North West Balkans, in Bosnia-Herzegovina).

In parallel, the Foundation started a new collaboration in the health and hospital sector of the Geneva Canton and consolidated its relations with Fondazione Alta Mane Italia (AMI) with successful co-partnership agreements.

In relation thereto, reminder is given that these are three-way contracts between Fondation Alta Mane, AMI and the beneficiaries (Partners), according to which:

  • Alta Mane Italia supports the Partners during the start-up/implementation of their projects throughout varied and complex social or hospital conditions, monitoring and assessing the sustained activities as well as the future conditions of sustainability of the Partner;
  • Fondation Alta Mane supports the aforementioned beneficiaries through donations preceded by the usual verifications.

The sector of intervention remains the use of art in situations of extreme social marginalization and hospitalization of young people due to serious pathologies.

AMG progetti 2018

In orange the projects in co-partnership with AMI


Through the co-partnerships, in 2019, Alta Mane continued to support some of the Foundations’ long-standing Partners, namely: Ecunhi (Argentina), Dynamo Camp (Italy), CEFA Onlus (Tanzania) and Phare Ponleu Selpak (Cambodia).

In brief, the Foundation supported 4 projects in co-partnership with Alta Mane Italia, one of which based in Italy and the remaining in Argentina, Cambodia and Tanzania.


In addition to the above-mentioned organizations, in 2019, Alta Mane continued to support some of the Foundations’ long-standing Partners. Among others, in Switzerland: Associazione Teatro Danzabile, Association Out of the Box, MOPS_DanceSyndrome and Save the Children Schweiz; Musicians Without Borders in Rwanda; Canto Color y Fábula in Colombia; TEGV in Turkey; and Dance for All in South Africa.

Furthermore, the Foundation started a new collaboration with Fondation Privée des HUG, in Switzerland, supporting a music-therapy pilot project for children with congenital heart diseases and chronic diseases hospitalized in the Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève (HUG).

In brief, 17 projects received direct donations from the Foundation, out of which 6 Partners were based in Switzerland (Geneva, Locarno, Lugano, Ticino, Vaud and Zürich Cantons), and 6 abroad (Austria, Colombia, Italy, South Africa, The Netherlands, and Turkey).

The graphs  show the geographical distribution, sector (art and social, art and health, art and awareness, art and development), and type of support (co-partnerships or donations) disbursed by the Foundation in 2019.