The project in summary
Support to the Art Factory that includes artistic workshops held by renowned contemporary artists for children and teenagers with serious pathologies at Dynamo Camp and in the main Italian museums.
The project in detail
Enabling sick children to express their fears and emotions in a creative and positive fashion, which allows them to experience immediate happiness and satisfaction for the work created during the artistic workshops. Expand and strengthen the experience of contact with contemporary art lived at the Camp bringing the Art Factory into important Italian museums and allowing kids and families to get in touch with major national exhibition organizations.
1185 children and youth between the ages of 6 and 17 with various pathologies (at the Camp) and 96 children and young people (in museums).
Dynamo Camp is a camp that is open year around and welcomes children affected by serious and chronic illness who are out-patients or in remission, as well as disabled children (with neurological, neuromotor and rare pathological conditions) and their siblings and parents.
Dynamo Art Factory is one of the camp’s special projects, the creative heart of a vacation during which the children and adolescents, as a group, spend entire afternoons creating, designing, cutting, pasting, modeling and coloring. Every summer, renown contemporary Italian and international artists contribute their creativity and talent to a project that involves the youths directly. The artist begins by giving them a creative “challenge”, which is then taken up by each in a different way, resulting in a special emotional and artistic experience. At the end of each session, the result is a single piece of work that bears the artist’s name and illustrates the emotions of the children.
The project foresaw 8 artistic workshop sessions of 9 days each and the continuation of the dissemination of the experience of the Art Factory in major italian contemporary art museums, started in 2018 and extended for 1 additional year. In 2019, Dynamo offered one-day workshops at Madre Museum in Naples, Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation in Turin, Museo Novecento in Florence, MAMbo in Bologna and MACRO in Rome. The workshop, always held by renowned artists, have been aimed at creating a collective work; at the end of the workshop, the work was exhibited for a period of time in the museum and subsequently brought back to the Dynamo Art Factory.