The project in summary
Implementation, diffusion and scaling of artistic and pedagogic activities, tailored to the needs and ages of refugee and migrant minors in the Asylum Shelters in Switzerland.
The project in detail
To improve the psychophysical wellbeing and foster the resilience of refugee and migrant minors located in collective shelters in Switzerland by means of artistic and creative activities. More specifically, the project aimed to:
- Expand and replicate the use of arts-based Best Practices as a psychosocial tool to support refugee children and youth in collective shelters;
- Train Shelter Operator Staff to implement a structured artistic program with children and youth and guarantee its long-term sustainability;
- Increase the number of refugee children and youth who enjoy the benefits of the Creative Tool Kit and Activity Box and therefore support their social, emotional, cognitive and motor development
- Sensitize the government agencies to the need, urgency and benefit of quality care for children in shelters for asylum seekers and urge them to take
- action to keep high child-protection standards and expand them to further shelters.
- Hundreds of accompanied and unaccompanied refugee children and youth living in collective shelters for asylum seekers in Switzerland;
- 51 people (Directors, co-directors and Shelter Staff) in 4 federal and cantonal collective shelters.
In 2018, during Phase I, Save the Children Switzerland, with Alta Mane’s support, developed the “Creative Tool Kit and Activity Box” and more specifically selected the Best Practices of creative and pedagogic activities, arts-based, which had previously been tested in the framework of the pilot project Child-and-Youth Friendly Spaces led in the Federal Reception Center in Bern. At the same time, a catalogue of activities on the use of the Creative Tool Kit and Activity Box was developed and a mobile prototype of the Box was assembled for training and replication purposes. In 2019, during Phase II, the organization disseminated the Creative Tool Kit and Activity Box in 2 Federal Asylum Shelters and 2 Cantonal Asylum Shelters in the German and French speaking parts of Switzerland, and trained 18 shelter directors and co-directors of 12 Federal Asylum Shelters run by ORS as well as 33 Shelter Staff of 16 Swiss Federal and Cantonal Shelters run by AOZ and ORS, and 2 Asylum Shelters run by ORS in Germany. In parallel, it conducted several advocacy activities on federal level with SEM (State Secretariat for Migration) and on the cantonal level with SODK (Conference of Cantonal Social Services Directors). Additionally, as member of the Child Rights Network Switzerland, she participated in the development of the LOIPR (List of Issues Prior to Reporting) to guarantee the respect of the rights and needs of the minors on the move located in Switzerland.