The project in summary
Development and implementation of music and artistic workshops in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
The project in detail
Introduce and use the power of music in refugee camps and asylum centers to allow minors and youth, accompanied and unaccompanied, and their families, to start a post-traumatic resilience process, transcend cultural and language barriers and facilitate their integration among the local communities in which they are now located.
Beneficiaries (2022-2023)
- 3’832 children, young adults, adults, and parents, out of which 40 minors without a migration background and 118 Unaccompanied Boys and Single men, participated to 283 artistic and music workshops organized inside the Usivak and the Blazuj TRCs (Sarajevo), the Borici TRC (Una-Sana Canton), the Daily Center Puz (Tuzla Canton) and the Children’s Center Grbavica (Sarajevo);
- 6 people, among which Bosnian musicians, teachers, educators, and social workers, have been trained to join the music workshops developed by the mobile unit “Music Bus”;
- 11 Bosnian musicians participated to the Music Bus Training;
- 14 Bosnian teachers participated to the Welcome Notes Training.
In 2022-2023, Musicians Without Borders (MWB), also with Alta Mane support, has primarily focused its intervention in Bosnia-Herzegovina and, cooperating with two Bosnian cultural and arts organizations, War Childhood Museum and Superar BiH, has developed the following activities:
- activated the mobile unit “Music Bus” which conducted 247 music workshops inside the Usivak and the Blazuj Refugee Sites (Sarajevo Region), the Daily Center Puz (Tuzla Canton), and the Borici Refugee Site (Una-Sana Canton), reaching 2’331 minors and young adults on the move (1-18+ years) as well as 118 Unaccompanied Boys and Single Men;
- organized 16 music and artistic participatory workshops, run by Superar BiH inside the Usivak Refugee Site as well as the Children’s Center Grbavica (Sarajevo), reaching 271 minors and young adults, out of which 40 without a migration background;
- organized 20 visual arts workshops, run by War Childhood Museum inside the Usivak and the Blazuj Refugee Sites, reaching 151 minors and young adults on the move and UASC (1-20 years);
- coordinated six online meetings to modelize a common methodological arts-based approach to consolidate the current curriculum of the three organizations and guarantee the self-sustainability and replicability of the program in other migration and emergency contexts in Bosnia-Herzegovina;
- organized, in collaboration with Superar BiH and War Childhood Museum, a training curriculum intended to 14 Bosnian teachers from 10 primary and secondary schools of Sarajevo, Bihać and Velika Kladusa, to train them in the use of arts-based methodologies and practices to promote the integration of minors with a migration background into educational and school contexts in BiH;
- organized a training curriculum intended to 11 Bosnian musicians, already operating in the country and in migration contexts, to guarantee the replicability and self-sustainability of the project across Bosnia-Herzegovina.
In 2024, MWB, in collaboration with Caritas BiH, has a triple objective: i. to consolidate the music workshops inside the Usivak and Blazuj TRCs (Sarajevo), the Borici TRC (Una-Sana Canton) and the Safe House Puz (Tuzla Canton) and to extend them inside the Safe House Sarajevo; ii. to launch, in pilot mode, a 2-3-day Rap Workshop to reach adolescents located inside the Usivak Refugee Site and actively engage them in the process of writing and recording a rap song; iii. to expand initiatives with other national and international NGOs already operating in BiH in the migration sector, through support and psychosocial care programs, and/or artistic and cultural programs, to foster the creation of local networks and integrated collaborations.