
The Musique pour Tous project was launched in September 2014 thanks to the passion of two piano and clarinet professors from the Geneva Conservatory. They offer individual music lessons to 6 autistic students from two specialized institutes in Geneva. The intent is to help them acquire expressive skills and facilitate their social integration. At the end of the first year of the pilot phase, the psychologist and the music professors observed that the children were more able to control frustrations, to concentrate and had superior manual dexterity, perseverance and autonomy.



6 autistic children between the ages of 6 and 12.


In the course of 2015, the children involved in the project received individual piano, clarinet and solfège lessons for about 30 minutes per week at the Geneva Autism Centre. Concerts were also organized at various venues, including the great hall of the Conservatory in Place de Neuve, Geneva.


Autisme Genève

Founded in 2007 in Geneva by the parents of autistic children, the Autisme Genève Association gathers professionals from the sector with the aim of protecting the rights of autistic people and their families; providing information; organizing regular meetings between parents, autistic children and professionals; and promoting educational tools specifically for autistic children in order to assist them scholastically and professionally.

Conservatoire de Musique de Genève

The Music Conservatory of Geneva was founded in 1835 by Franz Liszt. Today it welcomes more than 2’500 students between the ages of 4 and 25. It also organizes various initiatives for children benefitting from the medical-pedagogical services of the Canton of Geneva.[/fusion_tab][/fusion_tabs]