The project in summary
The project in detail
Support the growth and autonomy of the Slum Drummers, a group of 13 young percussionists from the slums of Nairobi, some of whom were street kids, through technical musical training and engagement in the social sector to the benefit of vulnerable children living in the slums of Nairobi.
- 13 young percussionists of the Slum Drummers group;
- Approximately 180 street children in Waithaka, Dagoretti (Nairobi, Kenya).
This project, carried out by GRT, an Italian NGO, aims to promote the social inclusion of vulnerable youth through music as a starting point for the psycho-social integration of street children in Waithaka.
Due to their origin as ex-street kids, their enthusiasm and musical talent, the Slum Drummers are best suited to raise awareness among other young people and the community about the social problems encountered in the slums.
The project has two main objectives:
- reinforcing the psycho-social, musical and managerial capacities of the Slum Drummers as active agents of socio-cultural transformation;
- creating efficient protective mechanisms for the vulnerable children of Waithaka, involving the community and the authorities through advocacy and awareness initiatives.
In 2015, the Slum Drummers received vocational training from a professional percussionist, built percussive instruments out of recycled materials and sold them in local artisanal markets. In addition, they engaged in social interventions, identifying and elaborating action plans for vulnerable children, offering counseling, psycho-social training, family and community mediation in view of family reinsertion, medical referral and basic necessities, always with the involvement of the local community.
Gruppo per le relazioni transculturali (GRT)
NGO established in 1968, operating in the field of mental health, traditional medicine and social marginalization in favor of ethnic minorities collaborating with educators, psychologists, psychiatrists, teachers and doctors.
GRT has been supported by Fondation Alta Mane in partnership with Fondazione Alta Mane Italia since 2012.
Slum Drummers is a community-based organization, created in 2011 by a group of young people involved in musical activities since 2005. The organization consists of 13 musicians who share their music with their community of origin in Dagoretti, a slum in Nairobi. Their objective is to give hope to young people and show them alternatives to the life on the street.