The project in summary
Youth-led creative arts projects developed in the 3 Municipalities of Pristina, Fushe Kosova and Prizren (Kosovo).
The project in detail
The project, developed in the 3 Municipalities of Pristina, Fushe Kosova and Prizren, aimed to pilot the implementation and replication of the new methodology “You Create” in Kosovo to offer arts-based psychosocial support to minors and youth on the move and Street Children, with emotional dysfunctional behaviors spectrum due to their constant exposure to economic and sexual abuse, exploitation, violence and neglect, and at high risk of social exclusion.
Specifically, this project aimed to:
- Improve the psychosocial well-being, enhance self-esteem and build the resilience of children and youth on the move and Street Children through the development and realization of youth-led creative arts projects;
- Strengthen the Capacity Building of the Staff of Terre des hommes (Tdh) in Kosovo for implementing and disseminating the new methodology “You Create” in other Municipalities across the country where Tdh currently delivers a holistic and integrated range of care services directed at children in conditions of extreme hardship and social vulnerability.
- 14 professionals working in the field of child protection, of whom 7 Tdh Staff also operating in the Daily Center for Children on the Move;
- 4 Adult Allies (26-30 ages);
- 11 Youth Leaders (14-23 ages);
- 69 Youth Peers (14-23 ages) joined the youth-led art projects;
- 610 people from the 3 Municipalities participated to the various artistic restitutions.
Between May-October 2021, Fondation Terre des hommes, with Alta Mane support, organized 3 trainings on the implementation of the You Create methodology (one of which online) for 4 Adult Allies (social workers and psychologists operating in the Center for Social Works in the 3 Municipalities of Pristina, Fushe Kosova and Prizren, and the Day Care Center in Pristina), 14 professionals working in the field of child protection as well as for 11 Youth Leaders (14-23 ages), minors and youth on the move and Street Children, in conditions of extreme hardship and social vulnerability. The 3 trainings aimed to strengthen the local Capacity Building on the implementation and dissemination of the new methodology “You Create” and to train and accompany the youth to develop and create youth-led creative arts projects. For the duration of the project, 69 Youth Peers (14-23 ages) have been engaged and, together with the Youth Leaders and Adult Allies, participated to the realization of 11 youth-led art projects in the 3 Municipalities of Pristina, Fushe Kosova and Prizren, reaching a total of 610 people from the local communities and public and educational institutions.
Alta Mane supports Fondation Terre des hommes since 2017.