The project in summary
Implementation and scaling of two educational programs, arts-based, in Turkey.
The project in detail
The “Art Education Expansion Project” is part of a new strategic, methodological, and educational plan designed by TEGV to ensure sustainability to both educational programs (The Dreams Wanderer and The Dreams Workshop) and to replicate them nationwide so as to make art education a key component of the Turkish School System and to develop innovative and interdisciplinary educational models.
Effective Beneficiaries in 2019-2022
- 3’046 children (6-14 ages) participated to two art-education workshops delivered by the Firefly Mobile Unit in Van, Bayburt, Samsun, Elazig and Izmir;
- 7’034 children (6-14 ages) participated to the art workshops, part of The Dreams Workshop Program;
- 66 children (6-14 ages) participated to 10 sessions of The Digital Dreams Workshop Program;
- 2’195 children (6-14 ages) received the Art-Kits;
- 28 teachers and 906 volunteers trained to implement The Dreams Workshop Program;
- 81 volunteers trained to teach The Dreams Wanderer Program.
In 2019-2022 TEGV, with Alta Mane support, organized 2 art-education workshops (The Dreams Wanderer) delivered by the Firefly Mobile Unit in different public, primary and secondary schools in Van, Bayburt, Samsun, Elazig (Eastern Anatolian Region, severely struck by an earthquake on January 24, 2020), and Izmir, reaching a total of 3’046 children (6-14 ages), and trained 81 volunteers. In parallel, it developed a new art-education module of The Dreams Workshop program, consequently implemented in presence in 32 Education Fixed Units, reaching a total of 7’034 children (6-14 ages), as well as online in 3 Education Fixed Units, reaching a total of 66 children (6-14 ages). At the same time, it trained 906 volunteers and 28 teachers to teach and replicate the module.
Between May-August 2021, not to interrupt the artistic-pedagogical support during the summer, TEGV produced and distributed several Art-Kits reaching 2’195 children (6-14 ages), in situation of socio-economic vulnerability, and organized, on the virtual platform The Dreams Wanderer, the virtual exhibition “ART AT HOME WITH TEGV” where children have restituted 446 arts-works created at distance.