The project in summary
Youth-led creative art projects developed in the schools/community spaces of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in 10 communities of the Oblasts of Donetsk and Luhansk.
The project has been developed in 12 schools/community spaces of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in 10 communities of the Oblasts of Donetsk and Luhansk. It was aimed to pilot the implementation and replication of the new methodology YOU CREATE in Ukraine to offer arts-based psychosocial support to young IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) and Ukrainian children and youths dealing with post-traumatic stress disorders, as a consequence of the conflict dramatically started in 2014.
Specifically, this project contributed to:
- Improve the psychosocial well-being, build the resilience and strengthen the social cohesion of the young IDPs and Ukrainian children and youths;
- Develop the Capacity Building of the Staff of Terre des hommes (Tdh) in Ukraine for implementing and disseminating the new methodology in other communities affected by the protracted crisis in East Ukraine.
- 23 Adult Allies (professionals in child protection, educators and psychologists), of whom 7 Tdh Staff (25-40 ages);
- 25 Youth Leaders (14-24 ages);
- 616 peer youth (14 24 ages) participants in youth-lead art projects.
Between July 2019-December 2020, Fondation Terre des hommes, also with Alta Mane support, selected 25 Youth Leaders (of whom 2 officially registered as IDPs) and 23 Adult Allies to implement forthcoming youth-led creative art projects in the Oblasts of Donetsk and Luhansk. In the same period, organized 2 training sessions (5 days each), in the Oblasts of Donetsk and Luhansk, reaching the 25 Youth Leaders and 23 Adult Allies, to train young people to create youth-led creative art projects as well as to develop the local Capacity Building on the implementation and dissemination of the new methodology “You Create” in other communities affected by the protracted crisis in East Ukraine. Moreover, between October-December 2020, 18 offline refresher training sessions have been organized in the Oblast of Luhansk for 60 local youth to reschedule the contents and adapt the procedures for the creation of the arts projects to the new context and the sanitary restrictions imposed by the Ukrainian government to contain and avoid the spread of COVID-19. Throughout the duration of the project, 616 youth have been mobilized, of whom 120 developed 12 artistic activities in 12 communitarian centers /secondary and high schools of the Oblast of Donetsk and Luhansk.
Alta Mane supports Fondation Terre des hommes since 2017.