The project in summary
The project in detail
Support to the launch of the Garagem das Letras (garage of letters), the first literary café in Rocinha, the largest favela in Rio de Janeiro and Brazil.
Approximately 30 youths, aged 15 and over, living in poverty in Rocinha and participating on an annual basis in the activities of Garagem das Tetras, including its art course.
The Art of a Smile project contributes to the development of Garagem das Letras, a former garage, transformed in literary café in March 2015. This is a café-bookstore, a meeting and sharing place where young people can carry out artistic activities, participate in workshops and professional training, and organize exhibitions and events. The literary café has lots of books and a reading room where youths can create and generate dreams. The premises are also open to local and international artists for exhibitions and shows. Here, young artists can present and organize workshops as well as participatory and educational experiences for the young dwellers of Rocinha.
In 2015, Alta Mane supported the coordination and management of the space and a 2 hour weekly art course where young participants were able to do practical work, combining art with literature.
Il sorriso dei miei bimbi
The association Il sorriso dei miei bimbi (the smile of my children) was founded in 2002 to improve the social conditions and the education of children and youths in Rocinha.