The project in summary
Children and Youth-led creative art projects in 4 Open Accommodation Sites in Mainland Greece.
The project in detail
The project “Empowering Youth Refugees and Asylum-Seekers through Arts in Refugee Sites in Mainland Greece” aimed to integrate “You Create”, which has proven to be Terre des hommes leading methodology in the field of child protection, within the MHPSS programme, (Mental Health Psychosocial Support) developed by Tdh since 2016 in migratory and humanitarian emergency contexts, in order to provide psychosocial support and ensure a holistic and integrated protection to unaccompanied minors and migrant youth living in Refugee Sites in Mainland Greece (Attica, Thessaly and Northern Greece). Specifically, the project aimed to:
- Strengthen the resilience and improve the psychosocial and mental well-being of unaccompanied minors and migrant and refugee youth;
- Build capacity among Terre des hommes Hellas’ staff for the implementation and dissemination of the methodology and the implementation of self-managed activities among young people in the targeted open accommodation sites in Greece.
- 31 Adult Allies (child protection professionals, educators, psychologists, Tdh Child Protection Field Officers, 18-35 ages);
- 35 Youth Leaders (unaccompanied minors and migrant and refugee youth 13-26 ages);
- 117 young peers (13-19 ages) who have participated in the development and implementation of 9 youth-led art projects;
- 400 persons located inside the Koutsohero, Veria, Alexandria and Schisto Open Accommodation Sites have participated, in presence, to the artistic restitutions of the youth, as well as 500 people who joined, virtually, through the main social media.
Between January 2021 and February 2022, Terre des hommes Hellas, with the support of Alta Mane, has organized the following activities:
- 9 training workshops on the implementation of the “You Create” methodology, targeting 66 people in total (31 child protection professionals, educators, psychologists, Tdh Child Protection Field Officers, and 35 unaccompanied minors and migrant and refugee youth);
- 9 youth-led art projects for Unaccompanied Children and young Asylum-Seekers in 4 Open Accommodation Sites (Veria, Alexandria, Koutsohero and Schisto);
- 7 Online Induction Sessions on the implementation modalities of You Create, 4 delivered to the Staff of Tdh Hellas Child Protection Team and 3 to different stakeholders operating on the field (Danish Refugee Council, Drop in the Ocean, EODY – National Health Service – and IOM);
- 1 webinar on the implementation of the “You Create” methodology reaching 32 people, engaged in the psychosocial support of refugee population.