The project in summary
AMG/AMI partners’ participation in the Arte x Igual Festival in Bariloche, Argentina.
FOCUS PROJECT 2017, see all details.
The project in detail
- 27 workers and beneficiaries with disabilities from the Academia Arte della Diversità (Art of diversity academy), AllegroModerato and ZeroFavole, who participate to the Festival in Argentina;
- all the workers and beneficiaries with disabilities from Cre-Arte (about 100) who participate in the exchange activities among associations, learning new methodologies for artistic work with the disabled;
- Festival audience;
- the citizens of San Carlos de Bariloche and other Argentineans sensitized to the rights of the disabled.
In particular, Accademia Arte della Diversità adapted to the local level “Le impronte dell’anima” (“Huellas del Alma”), a piece translated and co-produced by Accademia e Cre-Arte, offering professional training to theatre workers and youth with disabilities who participate in the adaptation of this performance. The AllegroModerato Orchestra undertook joint music sessions with two local orchestras (Orquesta del Bicentenario and Orquesta Cofradía) and provided music workshops to the young disabled beneficiaries from Cre-Arte, as well as training for local musicians in promoting music and disability workshops. At the Festival Art X= ZeroFavole presented “Paradiso”, a performance realized in collaboration with Babilonia Theatres, which debuted in Rome on November 3, 2017 as part of the RomaEuropa Festival, along with offering workshops on theatre and disabilities for the theatrical students at the Universidad de Rio Negro. During the Festival the Italian associations visited the activities undertaken by Cre-Arte in Bariloche, and participated in round-tables and seminars with representatives from various countries.
Accademia Arte della Diversità: A cooperative founded in Bolzano in 2012 (following the activities of the Teatro La Ribalta, founded in 1996) to establish the first professional Italian theatre company with disabled actors.
AllegroModerato: A cooperative founded in 2011 based on the 20-year experience of Esagramma, founded on the idea that an education in music can activate and develop emotional, cognitive and relational energies and competencies of people with psychological, mental and physical fragilities, improving the quality of their lives.
ZeroFavole: This volunteer association was founded in 2010 in Reggio Emilia and aims to promote the rights and fundamental freedoms of the disabled.